Change begins here.

Heather Remmert, MA
Licensed Professional Counselor
Please take a moment to think of the circumstances that may have lead to you checking out this page. Maybe you’ve recently transitioned into a new phase of your life and realized that change and the unknown can be difficult. Maybe you’re feeling suffocated by anxiety or depression and need to take back control in your life. Or perhaps you enjoy checking out the bios of awesome counseling places (that’s cool too). Like the seasons, change is a normal aspect of our lives and I strive to provide an atmosphere in which the individuals, couples, or families that I work with feel safe, validated, and empowered to make necessary changes in their lives. With combining both the head (logical side) and the heart (emotional side), my approach to counseling begins and ends with hope. Hope that you can find closure from the past. Hope that you can embrace the present moment, even with all the messiness that life throws at us. And lastly, the hope that a better future is possible. I look forward to assisting you in your counseling journey.
Insurance Options
Additional options are available.
Please inquire with Heather Remmert.
Blue Care Network

Blue Cross Blue Shield

United Healthcare

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change. ”
Brené Brown